Friday, January 15, 2010


I could not do what I do, or be who I am today, without these people

This is LONG overdue. It is with great pride I create this.
This family is a rare find.

I love you all...

TO MY MOTHER; My biggest inspiration of all

Virginia Clarke Payne Armstrong

God rest her soul Aug. 1, 2007

Thank you for giving me who I am today.
I miss you and love you...

TO MY HUBBY; Dr. Roger G. Seeber Jr. PhD

gotta love a scientist!

MY HUSBAND; I can't express what this has meant to me to be given the opportunity to follow my dream of being a full time artist, leaving the medical profession behind, and doing what I love.
If it weren't for you and your patience with me, I wouldn't have reached where I am today.
You continue to pick up the pieces and keep things going even when you don't feel well. You support, encourage and inspire me every day. You are a great idea man, for instance "Meet the Flockers" ...and so much more.
I am so lucky to have you and I love you and treasure you.
Thank you honey!

TO MY FATHER; my biggest fan, Raymond Edward Armstrong Jr.


May 26, 1924 - Feb. 13, 2014

DAD; I love you and appreciate all you have done and invested to keep me going!
You are a Godly man, and so encouraging and inspiring. I can always call you up to share my news, and know that you will share my excitement.
Thanks for having me~without you I would surely not be here today!!
You are creative and motivated and thank you for passing that on to me and being an inspiration to me to " go for it".

I love you daddy...
RAY ARMSTRONG MAY 26, 1924 TO FEBRUARY 13, 2014, R.I.P. you will be missed...
Dad enjoyed an extra 3 yrs living with my husband and I in PA. He enjoyed the farm, and made a fun bird sanctuary to take photos. A memorial garden will be put in next to my mom's by his request, though I had that planned ahead of time anyway. Thank you dad for all you did for me, and my family while you were here with us. XOXOXO


Mandy, Shanna and Jonathan, AND their spouses

TO Mandy; my first born. Creative beyond belief, talented to a fault, wife, mother, professional, musician, artist...the list goes on.
Always there, ready to help, inspire and assist.
Thank you for choosing a wonderful, caring, Godly man to grow with and have a family with. Words can't express how I feel about little Dylan and how you are raising him to be such a sweet and wonderful little boy who loves the Lord. And the new addition Jocelyn Rain, who will be 2 in March! what a sweet soul and gentle spirit....
Thank you, I love you...

TO Shanna; my baby girl, right arm, leg, brain, eyes, ears, etc...Thank you for pestering, encouraging, bugging, begging and non stop chanting about me getting back to my art!
You are always helpful and patient and such a great teacher. You have grown into a wonderful talented, and creative woman.You continue to follow the Lord and I am so proud of where you are today.
Without you, I would not be where I am today.  You are so talented, and an inspiration in your life and your strength. You do beautiful logo's and work for my business, and I thank you and love you and my beautiful grandsons. 

To Jonathan my son my baby; thank you for who you are, for all you do and for your support of me and acceptance of who I am.
We have been through much together, good and bad. I am so proud of you and you have grown into a wonderful man.
Your choice in a Godly wife is so precious and I love her and treasure her and her encouragement and kindness. I pray you will continue to grow and be nurtured together in the Lord.. ANd thank you for adding to our beautiful family with Pax. What a joy to watch grow!
Thank you both for your support of me and my work.

TO MY brother, Jeff, an artist in his own right who has always loved my work, treasured my work and supported and encouraged me through the years. Thanks bro!
I know we aren't in touch anymore and honestly I don't know why, but I leave this tribute up, because I still love you! and always will, I pray for you!

MY STEP CHILDREN~Katherine, Kasey, Ethan Seeber


To my step children; always tolerant of my messy work space, distraction from reality, and blabbing about dolls and art.

Katherine; a creative, sweet woman who worked with me in the beginning stages of who I am now, creating primitive items to sell and encourage the business. Always willing to help and offer ideas and inspiration.

Kasey; an adorable woman, fulfilling requests to assist in sewing, turning and helping in general when I needed her. Always sweet and helpful.

Ethan; the brains of the bunch. Always has a great idea, even draws them up for me. His mind never quits. Always offering to help with a project or cleanup.

I COULD NOT have been where I am today without you! I love you...Robin